
Taxonomic is based on principals of classification: taxis=order; nomos=law Taxonomy means scientific classification.


Species is a fundamental category of taxonomic classification ranking below a genus or subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of inter breeding. Species is a specific kind of something, a group of related organisms that share a more or less distinctive from and are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural population, which are reproductively isolated from other groups. Every living creature is assigned a unique name which is comprised of two parts; Gnomic a study of genes and their functions and diversity of a group of species.

Natural Selection

Natural selection the general forces behind the formation of a new species. It has taken 150 years to provide the first clear evidence that natural selection drives the process of species formation in a variety of plants and animals. When species invade a new environment or ecological niche it can result in the formation of a great diversity of new species. Habitat selection, isolation and eco-systems play part in natural selection. The wide variety of shark species illustrates how diversity in species is essential for that population not to become extinct.

Importance of Evolution

Some 360 million years ago the Golden age of sharks began when sharks diversified and proliferated. Then about 300 million years ago the period of rapid diversification came to an end. Now sharks lived for millions of years with little evolutionary change until a global catastrophe. A few sharks survived this catastrophe and a second evolutionary jolt caused the main group to fill a vacant place.